Money Management

Grow Your Financial Skills at Home using LifeCents!  

Tracking your spending is a great exercise to find those spending leaks within your budget.  Often written budgets don’t match our actual spending behaviors.  Tracking spending allows us to identify where the discrepancies arise and to make decisions about where adjustments should take place.
Prioritizing Spending Choices: 
Knowing what you can control is the first step in taking ownership of your financial future! Becoming financially fit begins with managing the income you earnIdentifying and prioritizing needs and wants within your monthly expenses will help you squeeze out the maximum benefit for your dollars.  Refer to your financial goals when you need help prioritizing your spending.
Know Your Balance:
Your checkbook register is an important money management tool.  By reconciling your checking account, you will always know how much you have at any given time.   In your register, you will record checks written, ATM or debit card transactions and automatic payments from your account as well as any deposits coming into your account.   Check with your local financial institution for counseling resources they may have.
Overdraft and Non-Sufficient Funds Fees cost Americans more than $24 billion each year.  Knowing your balance at any time protects you against these costly fees.

Get Your Chexsystems Report:

Every year you may obtain a Chexsystems report in addition to your annual credit report.  Chexsystems is the database financial institutions use to monitor your management of transactional accounts.  To request this report, visit
Listed below are some tools and partners who can help you achieve this challenge:
Bank On Coaches:  
As a participant in Bank On, you have access to personal coaching to help you get control of your cash flow and build a budget that can keep you from paying unnecessary fees.  You keep more money in your pockets while improving your credit score at the same time.
Bank On Website:  
A resource for asking questions, getting worksheets and materials and staying informed of the latest news for Bank On.  Visit for more information.
Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia:  
Call: 757-484-0703,
Offers free, comprehensive, individualized one-on-one financial counseling sessions that help clients set financial goals, develop spending plans, rehabilitate credit, increase savings, and reduce debt.

Public Libraries:  
Libraries can be a source for free family fun as you look to reduce your monthly expenses.  Check out their selection of movies and games as well as great books to provide hours of entertainment.  In addition, the library is host to many community events each year, so check out their calendar of events.

Parks and Recreation
Your local Parks and Recreation facilities offer great family activities at a low cost.  Get fit, create memories, save money all at the same time!

From Financial Planning Association:
Starting Your Financial Plan: A Beginner’s Road Map
Financial planning starts with setting goals and this free guide will help you get started.

Budgeting: Managing Your Money with a Spending Plan This guide explains how a simple budget can help you take control of your financial life, get better use of your money and achieve your financial goals.

Articles and Tools:

Budget Worksheet

Deciding Which Bills to Pay First

Keeping a Roof Over Your Head

Making Extra Money

Freeing Up Money From Services

When Prices Rise: Living on Your Income

Making the Most of What You have

Doing Things Together as a Family for Less

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